Styler 5000A spot lodningsmaskine
Det kan svejse forskellige specielle materialer, især egnet til præcisionsforbindelse af rustfrit stål, kobber, aluminium, nikkel, titan, magnesium, molybden, tantal, niobium, sølv, platin, zirkonium, uran, beryllium, bly og deres legeringer. Applications include micromotor terminals and enamelled wires, plug-in components, batteries, optoelectronics, cables, piezoelectric crystals, sensitive components and sensors, capacitors and other electronic components, medical devices, all kinds of electronic components with small coils that need to be directly welded with enamelled wires, micro welding and other occasions with high welding Krav og andet sted svejseudstyr kan ikke opfylde kravene til svejseprocesser.